Sunday, June 29, 2008

If you Have Amnesia, or Were Otherwise Absent from my Weekend...

(That's for Kyle, my sneaky blog stalker- I mean friendly blog reading friend...)

I have the biggest bruises on my shins from capture the flag. I just noticed them after changing into shorts when I got back home. They easily surpass normal bruises and might as well be called battle wounds. The first layer of skin on the area of impact is peeling, and little bruises are bordering the other. I'm so proud of them all.

Speaking of northern Kentucky, I have pictures!! Not as many as usual, and I didn't manage to get everyone, but they were taken, and taken happily. I know many who read this were actually with me when I went up there, but for those who couldn't make it, or those who just have a weird fascination with my life, I'll recap.

Recap of the 24 hour visit up in northern Kentucky:

-Obviously we played capture the flag, where I acquired my kick ass bruises mentioned above. They are only overshadowed by this one bruise I got when I ran into a car door during a freak monsoon/torrential downpour. That one was massive. Oh, and that black eye Allie gave me...

-Before CTF, we had a semi cook out at Angela's. Annie brought half of her fridge over and we made truffles, and arrived an hour later than we were supposed too. But we brought lots of food, so that made up for it. The coleslaw leaked on my pants. Bummer. I got to meet Becky, who's very smart and funny. Unfortunately, she was too tired to come play capture the flag and watch a movie.

(The first picture of the visit, with Annie being sneaky sometime before, during, or after making the truffles and macaroni for the cook out.)

-So we got to the Lonneman estate, and bent on making smores, we dug a fire pit in the yard and roasted them to golden perfection... lies, all lies. Clemens doesn't have a fire pit, so I raided his food closet and made due with chocolate graham crackers, a dash or so of cinnamon, left over truffles, an oven, a doggedly begging dog, some carbonated pseudo fruit punch, questioning of my oven smore making ability and perhaps a touch of surprise chili powder? They turned out relatively well, in my opinion.

-Which brings me onto Piñata Survival Island, aka the most ridiculous piece of entertainment I have yet to encounter. It was one of those horrible movies that because they're so horrible you must share with everyone you know and laugh the entire time you're watching it because it's so ridiculous. An angry piñata, stereotypical Greeks (not the race of people), and well, that's pretty much it. Oh and really great dialog... yeah.

-Then we played capture the flag, hurray!! I accidentally slide tackled Karen/a bench in order to heroically save my whole team, who somehow managed to get caught, subsequently leaving me alone with the flag in the woods. That's how I managed to get those bruises. During our very long game, I seriously sat in the woods the entire time, until the last ten minutes, where I managed to get beat up by branches and benches. I thought it was fun.

-Then in the morning, there were delicious cinnamon buns that Annie's mom made, followed by group festivities in Altiora. (I hope I spelled that correctly.) Where everyone came and went and we rearranged the comfy chairs in order to better serve our large group.

("Hey guys, look studious." "How do we do that?" "I don't know, just make a funny face...")

(I was helping Annie practice reading out some verses from the Bible, with appropriate stresses on the bold words. GET. UP. QUICKLY!)

(Angela doesn't like getting her picture taken, or pillows thrown at her.)

(Karen pre-work. She drew us a Pengel.)

-Before I left to go home with Liz and Galina, we, which included Angela, Liz, Galina, Kyle, and me, had Dewey's Pizza, where Kyle was a doll and bought lunch for us. We also got to visit the Purple People Bridge, which in my head I kept calling it the Giant Purple People Eater bridge. Then we visited Annie at Bath and Body Works and harassed her until she made us leave... hahah, more lies. We did get to listen to Again and Again, while perusing the scents and chatting with Annie.

(Giant Purple People Eater Bridge)

(Trying to look contemplative as we look at the river...)

-I slept the whole way home and haven't really left my bed since I got back.

So the recap was a bit longer than necessary, but I like commentary. All in all, we came out relatively scotch free of serious accidents, a little tired, but otherwise happy for the most part.


Anonymous said...

i love regina spektor...thanks for knowing me so well olivia.

Your blog stalker

Liv said...

it was either that or "Somebody's Watching Me".

Anonymous said...
