Monday, July 7, 2008

Quit Toying with my Emotions, God Damn You

So, I got this email from housing telling me that they recieved my scholarship information (.... what scholarship would this be?) and have placed me back in Threlkeld hall with our good friend Julianne and subsequently with everyone else. I'm not quite sure if this will last, considering the only scholarship I have has absolutely nothing to do with housing, or anything really. It's actually a scholarship for people without any scholarships. That was one of the requirements. However piqued my curiosity, I plan to not look any further into the matter in the hopes that they'll forget about it until it's too late. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

I started getting my hopes up that you would be back in Threlkeld when we got the emails last week saying the previous emails were wrong...

But yeah. Housing: stop toying with us!

Anonymous said...

Me too. And Threlkeld is for people with scholarships too, not just honors kids. Right, Jess?