Sunday, August 3, 2008

Born to Gaze into Night Skies

I feel like taking a walk tonight. Tonight being 1:14 in the A.M. The air's just the right temperature, it's a bit muggy, but not stifling, the sky's clear, and I'm contemplative enough that I can ignore the fact that as a young female walking alone at night, I'm a target for all sorts of trouble. I won't, mainly because there was a recent mugging involving a gun just around the corner, partially because this kind of walking necessitates someone to walk with, and also because I can sit on my small backdoor stoop next to the small tabletop garden and get a somewhat similar experience.

Things I wish to make when I have the time and resources:

Peaches and Cream
Homemade Pizza
Fresh French Bread
Lentil Soup
French Onion Soup
Banana Bread
Cornbread Chicken
Sun Tea

"Accept what people offer. Drink their milkshakes. Take their love."

-Wally Lamb

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