My Thoughts on Rain.
There's something medicinally grounding about the sound of rain. It eases through the stress and the constant fluttering of thoughts and reminds you that life goes on. That it pushes valiantly on when you're wrapped up in yourself and can't take a moment to realize the insignificance of the majority of your problems. Our lives, our moods, our mistakes, our loves and hates, - on an individual basis, they have no impact on life. That sounds slightly depressing, but it seems to put our endeavors into perspective for a moment. Listening quietly to the rain, it makes me feel peaceful, it makes me feel apart of something. I wish I could more eloquently express myself.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
Liv, you do an excellent job of expressing yourself. I love the rain too. There's something soothing about it, the constant drumming against the windows. The only problem for me is that rain comes with gray weather and too much gray weather gets to me.
My beef is humidity. Summer rain begets humidity, and I can't stand being in a very humid environment. It's different in the fall and spring though. I do agree that the rain sounds peaceful. I feel like it kinda creates a blanket around the world outside of me, so it makes for a good environment for contemplating.
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