(Not John Mayer, or 'Leslie Anne Levine', but it's Billy Joel, so you can't really compete with that. This song always, always, always reminds me of the people I know who went to Catholic school.)
Well, hello all. I just woke up from a five hour nap, induced by a restless two hours of sleep last night before waking up at 8:30 and throwing myself into three hours of attacking a wall of vines and bush honeysuckle with gardening shears. I sometimes forget how disorienting such naps can make you. I kept thinking it was Sunday. I don't really know what's going to happen tonight when I should be sleeping. I'll probably be staring at my AIM list willing someone to get on so I can talk my way into exhaustion.
Fourth of July was a bust, as it normally is. For some reason our country's Independence Day never seems to strike a note of patriotic pride in my heart. In fact, I do believe it does the opposite. I get kind of cynical of every stranger dressed in red white and blue, waving little American flags that will be forgotten by the end of the week. I look at the majority of them and think that this is just an excuse for you to grill out, get drunk, and blow up things. Way to celebrate our independence.
In other news:
I have less than week until I jet up to Swissconsin. I have this weird hope that I'll be able to relax for a bit. Though if I logically and realistically think about it, the chances of me finding relaxation in the midst of a very active family and two online courses is slim to none. This is the last time I'm taking summer courses. I'll say it, I should have just stayed home this summer, gotten a job in Bardstown, and maybe taken one online course. But oh well, I've learned. There's no point belaboring the point.
So I tried to record 'Leslie Anne Levine' by the Decemberists onto my computer and upload it onto to Youtube, but the sound quality kept popping. I'm not having any luck with my music selections this week.
I finally got around to taking some candid pictures of my bruises. I'm so proud of them.
Now, tomorrow, I plan on making a quick run to the half priced book store and stocking up on some cheap vacation reads. Then, I can give myself a break between my readings in Human Sexuality and Woman in Black Literature courses. Should be a fun couple of weeks.
I must brag for a minute. My sister, the master gardener that she is, already has red tomatoes in our back stoop garden. They're heirloom tomatoes, which means you can actually use the seeds when you're done eating the tomato to make more tomato plants! I love such lovely cycles.
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