Sunday, June 8, 2008

Smells Like Content

I was talking to one of my good friends today and we started sharing music videos via youtube like we are wont to do from time to time and I remembered this little jewel. I love The Books in a weird mesmerizing way. Mogwai meets Postal Service, meets something all of their own, yes? I thought it would be a nice introduction into my blog. (Nod towards Allie, Luke, and the guy from Brooklyn Tweed for leading me down this path of blog obsession.)

So it's summer, whoo hoo. It's been summer for more than a month now and I'm getting the feel that I'm done with this silliness. Here's a secret for all of those who dream of summer; make sure you make plans or else you'll slowly lose your mind to things like watching the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, teaching yourself how to use double pointed needles so you can knit socks, obsessively reading knitting blogs, and avoiding getting a job at all costs by taking out loans and going to summer school. But I'm just being difficult. I really love summer and all of its mind traps. It would be better if I had more money and access to northern Kentucky, but you can't get everything you want. For now, I'll have to be content with what I have, which is more than enough to be content with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learn to drive. That might help get you access to NKY. Great title for the blog though.

But yeah, I agree with you. Summer does get kinda boring after a while, and you start to spend way to much time doing ridiculously unnecessary things. I spent one whole summer play Medieval Total War. Seriously. The whole summer. I conquered all of Europe with the Italians.