I just finished watching The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. It was sad. I'm not entirely sure how I felt about it after that. I've been meaning to watch it for a while but one thing or another got in the way and then I had to wait for it to come out on DVD. The same thing is happening to The Fall, with Lee Pace. But I have Netflix, so I should be set when the day comes. Mr. Pace is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. He's also in Pushing Daisies, which I fervently hope is coming back in the fall.
It rained today, a very beautiful warm summer rain. Walking through campus was a treat. The trees only let through a mist and everything was drenched a darker hue than normal. And it smelled like heaven to me, like rain and trees and clean air. I love the rain. I wish we had a porch so I could properly enjoy it. Then I would make myself some chai tea in a blue tea pot and sit on some big expansive wicker chairs that have comfy pillows and maybe read a book.
Nothing like a bit of Pride and Prejudice to go with a rainy day.
Speaking of books, I'm still in withdrawal from George Martin's incomplete and less-than-likely-to-be-completed-in-the-near-future series. I haven't read for fun since I the last book. In attempts to rekindle my appetite, I'm slowly easing back into the world of books with some Michael Pollan and lots of Buffy.
Which leads me to a Buffy Update. I know, everyone's super excited to hear about this newfound addiction of mine. So, in the middle of season two, Angel and Buffy finally have a moments peace to be happy, and BANG, Angel loses his soul. Again. And becomes the asshole vampire of the year, breaking Buffy's heart on her birthday, the bastard. Not so lucky Buffy. Then yada yada, she get's super depressed and we get to hate Angel for a while, which gives all the other nasty regulars a chance to show some humanity. Then dawns the last episode of the season. I'll make it brief. Buffy STABS Angel with a sword, who just got his soul returned to him, because it's the only way to make sure a vortex of doom doesn't suck all of life into hell. So Angel is last seen falling into said vortex, while Buffy's balling her eyes out, and then she runs away! She runs away. What the hell Buffy? First off, why'd you take so damn long to realize the creepy stone demon statue behind you needed to be stabbed in the heart again? But no, you were too busy kissing Angel, and didn't notice until too late what was happening and then you had to send him into a vortex of doom. It's just ludicrous. And secondly, you run away?! Yeah, so you killed your vampire boyfriend, but you know what, shit like that happens when you mess around with vampires. And you don't just run away because of it.
Now that I've made a scene that no one understood at all, I think I may take a brake from Buffy for a little while. Either that, or watch the last five seasons this weekend and get it done and over with... I can't honestly say which will happen. Probably a sad limping bastardization of the two.
Other than my Buffy craze, I've been bumming around for the better half of the week without my wallet. I haven't worked on my knittage in awhile, I kind of got burnt out last Thursday at the Knit Nook's weekly Stitch and Bitch. It's sitting on the coffee table by my feet right now, looking pathetic and trying to guilt me into putting in another movie so I'll pick up the needles and knit a row or two. Ooooh, maybe I'll have a Pride and Prejudice Miniseries Knitting Party for one this weekend! I'll stay in my pajamas and live vicariously through Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, while knitting on my couch... and drinking tea... with my cat... oh my god, I'm turning into an old cat lady. And soon, I'll be reading stuff like this...
Haha, look at this. I wonder why I never googled 'old cat lady' before.
Okay, I totally laughed my butt off reading that last paragraph.
We can be cat ladies together. XD
Heh, you can't be an Old Cat Lady until you become old. And you watch an incredible amount of movies. After watching Star Wars: A New Hope with Karen tonight, I've realized I have no attention span to watch that many movies all the time.
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