I realized something kind of depressing today as I lay on my bed at home, wondering why it was taking so much effort to do my homework. You see, I still hold on to the belief that one sunny afternoon I will find myself sitting in a library, or in my room at my desk, and suddenly realize that I'm being productive, that I've cast aside the majority of my procrastinating ways and finally learned how to finish things in a timely manner. The truth of the matter is that day will never happen silently or without a tremendous concentrated effort on my part. It's kind of like facing up to the fact that Santa really doesn't exist and that I actually have to get a job if I want to buy superfluous items for my enjoyment. Just being on my best behavior won't cut it anymore. Procrastinating and waiting to the last minute to do papers and study for tests isn't going to cut it anymore. I actually need to put in some effort now if I want more than passing grades. Sadly, it has taken me this long to finally admit this to myself.
So, good bye my academic Santa, it was nice deluding in you while it lasted. Hopefully, the destruction of my ignorance will benefit me in the long run. However right now, I do not care to relish in the long term health of my academic career. I have a 300 page book to read, a 5 page paper due by Wednesday, and new delusions to meet. Why- Hello Reality! My name is Olivia, it's nice to be slapped in the face by you again! I hope one day we can work on your extreme dislike of my work habits and I can look the other way at your uncaring and merciless approach to my happiness!
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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