“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything.”
- Albert Einstein
Being productive is exhausting. No one really ever mentions that. Granted it's a releasing kind of exhausting that makes you sleep for a solid 12 hours and wake up refreshed and well rested. But it's exhausting. It takes a lot to not screw up, to balance and juggle and stay on your feet all the while moving forward somehow. You gather this strange momentum of energy around you that just pushes behind, forcing you to do things as efficiently as possible, and if you get it right, then it makes everything easier. But you're just one unlucky bastard should you screw it up. It's slightly terrifying, because if you have this much responsibility, then that means you have people there to see you bomb. And they can't help but watch as you crash and burn. But in the end, when it's done, and you're standing on the other side of the calendar week, or month, or year, there's that feeling of such great accomplishment and well deserved self pride that you didn't die in the process. I wonder if that's what leaders strive for, that feeling of endorphins rushing through your veins when you've crossed the proverbial finish line. I'd like to think they did, but that might be asking too much of some people.
On a less contemplative side, I have a gigantic papier mached globe in my room and I have no idea what to do with it. Berea is this weekend, I have cleats, and fall is in the air! Happiness all around.